Monday, October 8, 2012

Diseases & Abnormal Conditions

Diseases come in all shapes & sizes. They vary depending on weather , or even economic issues. The circulatory system is known as the "Driver" system of the body. It includes the heart, blood vessels, & blood. It transport oxygen & nutrients to the body cells, carbon dioxide, & metabolic materials. Blood cells come in two colors, White&Red. The white blood cells fight off infections & keep the body balanced. Even though blood cells are needed for the body to function, an inadequate number of blood cells could result in Anemia. Some of the symptoms of anemia are pallor (paleness), fatigue, dyspnea (difficult breathing), and rapid heart rate, treatment include transfusions of packed cells and supportive theraspy during crisis. A ballooning out of, or saclike formation on an artery wall is Aneurysm; treatment involves surgically removing the damaged area of blood vessel and replacing it with a plastic graft or another blood vessel. The lymphatic system works with the circulatory system to remove waste & excess fluids from the tissues. The lymphatic system include lymph, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, & lymphatic tissue. Lymph is a thin, watery fluid composed of intercellular, or interstitial fluid, which forms when plasma diffuses into tissue spaces. Lymphatic vessels are located throughout the body in almost all of the tissues that have blood vessels. Lymph nodes  filter the lymph & remove impurities such as carbon, cancer cells, pathogens, & dead blood cells. Hypertension is high blood pressure. It has a systolic pressured above 140 and a diastolic pressure above 90 millimeters, it can include family history,race,obesity,stress,smoking,and age.There is no cure for hypertension but there are signs like increased heart activity, and a blood pressure of anything above 100 over 60.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

There are 206 total bones in the body, feet, and hands. Those bones protect our organs , which are divided into 9 cavities. One of those cavities is the Dorsal cavity which is the backside of your body, and is divided into two sections. Those two sections are the Cranial cavity, which contains the brain and the spinal cavity which contains the spinal cord. Another Cavity is the Ventral , which is the front side of the body. The ventral cavity has 6 cavities which are divided within it. The Thoracic cavity is the chest and contains the esophagus, trachea, bronchi, lungs, heart, and large blood vessels. The Abdominal cavity is the pelvic area divided into a upper and lower part , the upper includes the stomach , small intestines , some of the large intestine , appendiix , liver , glabladder , pancreas ,and spleen.The lower part or the Pelvic cavitiy contains the urinary bladder , reproductive organs and the the last part of the large intestine. Three other cavitites in the ventral cavity are loacated on your face. Those cavities are the Orbital which contains your eyes, the Nasal cavity which contains the nose , and the Buccal cavity which is the mouth. All of those cavities metioned are divided into these three body planes. The Transverse plane which splits the body into the top and bottom half (from the waist up or the waist down). The top body parts are called Superior and the lower body parts are called Inferior. Crainal parts are located near the head. Caudal body parts located near the tail bone. The Median (Midsagittal) splits the body into right and left sides. Body parts located near the midline are Medial, and body parts away from the midline are Lateral. The Coronal plane is an imaginary line that seperates the front of your body from the back. The front side of your body is called the Ventral side or anterior, and the back side is called the Dorsal side or posterior. Proximal is situated nearer to the center of the body or the point of attachment and Distal is away from the body or remote from the point of attachment. the Abdominal regions are right upper quandrant, left upper quadrant, right lower quadrant, and left lower quadrant. the center regions is the umbilical, and hypogastric, or pelvic. on either side of the center regions are the hypochondriac, lumber. and the illiac, or inguinal